Tuesday, October 27, 2009

"Shakedown" Cookout at Soverel Harbour, October 24, 2009

Group photo. First row: Bill, Joan, Ardith, Sue, George, Ronnie, Ron; second row: Marie, Ellyn, Dora, Marsha, Joyce; third row: Irv, Gil, Greg, Jack, Frank, Gary.

Setting up for the cookout. Dockmaster Steve, in the golf cart, is very happy that we are having a party. He even brought an extra trash can. Don't know how many bottles he thought we would go through. Ellyn's pumpkin centerpiece is beautiful. But should it go here, with the shell tablecloth?

Or here, with the autumn-color tablecloth? Gil and Frank are satisfied that everything is ready. But the sun is still hot in the parking lot.

The cockpit of Ice Tea Too is shady, so we start the party there. Ardith and Joan are enjoying the evening. Joan is doing very well after her surgery last month.

Frank, Jack, and Joyce. We are all happy to see Joyce -- the first group outing she has made since her back surgery last month. But, "Jack? Did you use GEL on your HAIR?"

Well, maybe Frank would look good with hair. Jack is not sure.

George arrives.

The sun is going down, and more people are arriving, so we move to the seawall and parking lot.

George, Sue

The group photo. The picture with Betty in it did not turn out -- was not on the camera -- completely disappeared. The two pictures Betty took from the fighting chair, and the two that Frank took from the fighting chair were just gone! Maybe it is not a good idea to climb around while taking pictures.

Ron, Frank. Frank's side of beef looks delicious.

Gil's swordfish steak is cooking nicely.

Marsha, Greg

Irv, Dora

Ronnie, Ron

George, Frank. The beef filet is almost done.

End of the evening. And a very successful shakedown cookout!

We sit around the table and share boating and fishing stories. Bill and Marie had a very successful fishing trip today, with two sailfish releases, one of which was released by Marie.

Sunday, September 27, 2009

"Frank's Cookout" - September 26, 2009

23 people enjoyed "Frank's Cookout" on his last Saturday evening at North Palm Beach Marina. Left to right, seated, then standing: Sue, Gil, Frank, Ellyn, Teresa, Betty, George, Dottie, Marv, Bill, Paula, Jeff, Pam, Dora, Irv, Mary Ann, Kurt, Barbara, Ron, Stacie. Insets: Steve, Bob and Bonnie. Click on the picture to enlarge it, then use your 'back' button to return here.

Ellyn and her friend Teresa

Dottie and Marv

Pam and Jeff

Teresa, Mary Ann and Kurt

Ron and Barbara

Frank and Ellyn

Betty and Gil

"The appetizers are delicious!"

Sue and George

Irv and Dora

Stacie, Paula, and Bill

Teresa and Steve

Bob and Bonnie

It was a beautiful evening -- shady, with a light breeze, and no rain!

Thursday, July 09, 2009

07/08/09 Cookout. Rained out? NO. Boaters are tough!

Front row, l. to r.: Dora, Michelle, Betty. Middle row: Ellyn, Frank, Jack, Dottie, Sue, Joyce, Norma. Back row; Marv, Gil, Irv, George, Bill, RoseMarie. It had just begun to sprinkle when we took this picture. Maybe the rain will hold off.

Dottie, Sue, Joyce, George

Jack, Dora

George, Frank, Ellyn, Norma

Dottie: "My grandson, Joey, caught a 25 lb dolphin!" Gil: "Wow!"

George must be telling stories from Italy.

Marv, Jack, Irv, Dora

Gil, with a steak to cook, Marv and Irv

It is raining now, and we are under the overhang.

George says the guys in Italy carry bags like this, as he tries on Dottie's Italian bag.

Rain, rain, go away.

Gil, Bill, and Irv. Irv is pointing to . . .

. . . Gil's steak. The rain stopped long enough to cook it.

Norma, Betty, Michelle, Ellyn

Everybody has finished eating, and the diehards are waiting for the rain to stop. L. to r.; Gil, Sue, Dottie, George, Joyce, Jack, Marv.

That's Betty under the big umbrella.

A total of 0.75 inches of rain fell during the 2 hours. At least the lightning was never close, and it was a fun cookout!
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